Our Leadership Services


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HPL offers a number of leadership services to assist organizations to build and align their leaders, management systems and structures, while creating and sustaining a whole person focused culture based on respect and trust.


When these three elements work together effectively, the result is a sustained level of high leadership performance and continuous improvement.








Person on podium representing leadership keynote speakers.


Leadership Keynote Speakers


Enhance your team events with a keynote address or short burst development from an HPL advisor bringing unique leadership skill sets, topics, and successful business advice and experiences to your team.


Two people shaking hands representing one-on-one leadership coaching service.


One-on-One Executive Leadership Coaching


Coaching from industry experienced leaders assisting in leadership development to overcome challenges and build self-confidence to reach your full potential.


Map marker on top of a facility or office building representing on-site leadership support.


On-Site Leadership Support


Go, see, engage, and improve via on-site leadership coaching and support from an experienced HPL advisor.




Graph progressing towards goal representing strategic leadership planning and goal deloyment.


Strategic Leadership Planning & Goal Deployment


Support organizations with the methodology and tools to complete strategic planning and aligned goal deployment.




Stairs going up representing change management services.




Lead organizations through the planning, execution, and institutionalization phases of organizational change.




2 locations pins connected by dots representing value stream mapping.


Value Stream Mapping


Helping clients improve the delivery of the 4 Primary Values a customer expects by clarifying the current and future states of the process in need of change, developing an action plan to make the needed change, testing the plan, revising it, and putting it into action.

3 people holding hands with up arrow representing cultural transformation.


Cultural Transformation


Using a 4 phase approach, support organizations to transform their organizational culture to one that embraces high performance through Responsible Engaged Employees (REEs) and sustain it over the long term.




Contact us today to learn more about our services!






Leadership Keynote Speaker


If you're looking for a guest speaker or a brief 1 - 2 hour short burst development topic for a leadership offsite, conference or meeting, we have several topics and development workshops that may fit the bill!




We have various leadership and lean (continuous improvement) topics that make for great keynote talks to energize and get your leaders on board.  All our keynotes are geared towards providing some important concepts on the specific topic while focusing on providing a few quick practical tools or techniques that leaders can immediately apply in the workplace.


Although we have prepared keynotes ready to go, we are always willing to customize or prepare specific topics that fit your specific needs and agenda!



Short burst development workshops

Short Burst Development Workshops:


If you're looking for more than a brief keynote and would like to provide a little more development content, then one of our several short burst development workshops can assist here.  These workshops range from half-day, 1, and 2 day programs.


Our most popular leadership workshop of this nature, "Leading Today", is a format where you can choose from any or all of the 4 modules depending on the time available.  Or if you are looking for more of a lean/continuous improvement topic, our Components of High Performance is also a good potential.  Contact us to discuss topics and workshops we have available.


High Performance Leadership Teams program


Interactive Simulations & Workshops:


Although all our programs are engaging and interactive, if you want full throttle engagement, then one of our lean simulations or High Performance Leadership Teams program is what you're looking for.






Contact us today to learn more about our services!







Two people shaking hands representing one-on-one leadership coaching service.


One-On-One Executive Coaching


Working with an executive coach with over 30 years of business experience can really help you progress and accelerate your career.



A coach can offer invaluable insights into the workings of the business world and provide guidance on navigating complex organizational dynamics. They can also help you identify and develop your strengths and work with you to create a plan for achieving your goals.


Additionally, your coach can offer fresh perspectives on your business and personal challenges and help you identify blind spots that may be holding you back. They can also provide accountability and support to help you stay focused and motivated.


Working with an executive coach can provide the following benefits*:

  • 70% increase in individual performance
  • 50% increase in team performance
  • 48% increase in organizational performance
  • Training alone results in a 22% increase in productivity; when combined with coaching, it's 88%**

Source: *The International Coaching Federation; ** Public Personnel Management



Overall, working with an executive leadership coach can help you accelerate your career growth, enhance your leadership skills, achieve greater success in your professional life and help you create a balance with your personal life too.


executive leadership coach






Glenn Sommerville


During my 10 years as a General Manager at Toyota, I learned hands-on how to 'do' and lead through the Toyota Way and the Toyota Production System (TPS). I learned the importance of and how to align leaders, management systems, and culture to achieve long term high performance.


It's not a business initiative at all, or shouldn't be, but rather a way of leading. Leading the launch of the first Lexus plant outside of Japan, the development of the 'Lexus Mindset' was a massive undertaking to gain the confidence of the Lexus dealer network across North America and prepare the entire automotive plant of 3,500 team members to exceed the customers' expectations of perfection, with every vehicle. The reward came from the customers themselves as the plant received the JD Power Gold Plant Award for the highest initial quality of any vehicle in North & South America. We were all very proud of that recognition!


BlackBerry was a fun and rewarding experience in introducing continuous improvement from scratch across a large organization and in multiple engineering, support, and traditional manufacturing teams. I learned to persevere, focus on making a difference every day, and continue to coach and mentor leaders throughout the organization while empowering them to try new things, fail, and succeed.


Amazon was all about scale and growth. The speed and scope of the business at Amazon taught me how to lead at scale. Growing the operation x10 in 5 years across the country while expanding the workforce from a few hundred to over 7,500 employees, I had to learn new ways of leading, managing and organizing myself, my team and my organization to be successful. I found that my biggest contribution was not doing but rather coaching and mentoring others. It was an extremely challenging but fulfilling experience.



Book a free consultation with Glenn Sommerville, today!








On-site Leadership Support


At HPL, our favourite thing is Gemba, or go and see!  We love getting out into your businesses with you, whether manufacturing, assembly, processing, health care, or administrative; it doesn't matter what you do, we want to be there where your work is done to help coach and improve your team's leadership or work processes.


Go and see leadershipOur philosophy is to learn by doing.  We coach you and your team on leadership and lean and where the two cross over!  Our job is to coach you and your team to be self-sufficient so you don't need us anymore!  Job well done!


Whether it be to assist you to improve productivity, reduce waste, increase volume, eliminate bottlenecks, or new process set-ups in any type of work process - manufacturing or administrative.  Establishing and implementing robust management systems using visual control boards, 5S, or layered process audits to sustain are also things we love to help with!



Contact us today to learn more about our services!








Graph progressing towards goal representing strategic leadership planning and goal deloyment.


Strategic Planning and Goal Deployment


Whether it's helping to create your organization's vision, mission and values, or the development of your strategy and goals, HPL has a proven step-by-step process that gets results.


HPL's methodology and tools will lead your organization through a robust process creating alignment to and between your organization's top level vision, values, strategy, and the goals and tactics that are necessary to succeed and win. Building on the organization's strengths while mitigating weaknesses and threats, HPL's process drives focus, prioritization, and detail at the planning level and provides the systems and structures to execute in a plan, do, check, and adjust (PDCA) approach.


HPL has led and facilitated strategic planning & goal setting processes for both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations of various sizes. We can support the high level strategic development and/or the deployment of the action plans, including quarterly PDCA business reviews with the organization's leaders.


Contact us today to learn more about our services!










6 steps to strategic planning and goal deployment diagram.



Stairs going up representing change management services.


Change Management


All arrows going the same way while another is in a different direction - this represents change management in leadership practice.As leaders within our organizations, we really are in the business of leading change! Our businesses, environments, and essentially the world around us are in constant change. The bottom line is, our organizations must also continually change in order to survive and thrive.


Ever wonder why some significant organizational changes are successful, while others fail miserably?

More often than not, it is due to the lack of change management process and planning.


Not having a clear vision as to why the change is necessary or stating the consequences if you don't change is often overlooked. Typically, the most challenging part of change is the people side. A side, far too often, that is not considered adequately enough when making change. Failing to proactively seek out resistors of the change is another common failure mode, to name only  a few. HPL's change management process accounts for these critical steps. Leadership steps to implement change management in your business; urgency, vision, coalition, communicate, action, small wins, never give up, institutionalize culture.


HPL's change management process follows 8 structured key steps to lead you and your team through the planning, execution, and institutionalization phases of organizational change.


We'll provide training on important change management concepts while providing the practical tools and templates for each step in the process. Working along side of the team throughout, we'll provide coaching and guidance to achieve the desired outcome.







Contact us today to learn more about our services!








2 locations pins connected by dots representing value stream mapping.


Value Stream Mapping


Often when a process, whether it be administrative or a manufacturing process, is not performing to our expectations or is due for an overhaul, we jump in and start changing things that we "think" will make the desired improvements. This often results in lower performance, errors or defects, or, we actually don't move the mark to get the change we were looking for.


Customer Primary Values leadership diagram: Now, Perfect, Waste Free, Good Experience.


Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a method that allows you to visualize, analyze, and improve all the steps in a product, service, or administrative process. It focuses on the delivery of the 4 primary values that any customer, internal or external, expects:


  • Now
  • Perfect
  • Waste-Free
  • Good Experience


VSM creates detailed, step-by-step visualization of all the steps in the process in it's current state. This is a vital step as often we learn that there is a great deal of waste or non-value added steps that have crept into the process over time or that critical steps to delivering the 4 values of the customer have either been forgotten or don't even exist. There are usually a very large number of key team learnings at this step, as the full team becomes aware of and sees the entire process in it's current state.


Group of leaders in a leadership training program discussing plan of action.Leading the team through a future state visioning process creates the making for the ultimate new process. It is important to visualize this future state without acknowledgment of any barriers or "we can't do that" type of thinking.


Once the future state is determined, the team is lead through "what if" cases to overcome any potential barriers or identification of alternative means of achieving the same result.


Once the future state map is determined, an action plan is developed to trial/pilot it to measure the results and compare to the expected outcome(s). If adjustments are necessary, the trial/pilot is adjusted until the desired results are achieved. At this point, a detailed implementation plan is developed and executed to create the new process.




Contact us today to learn more about our services!








3 people holding hands with up arrow representing cultural transformation.


Cultural Transformation


Experience has taught us that over 95% of organizations fail to sustain a high performance culture over the long term (7 to 10 years). This is particularly true with organizations attempting to implement a Continuous Improvement (CI) or lean culture and the development of Responsible Engaged Employees (REE). Success depends on strong and committed leaders, an effective management system structure, and a whole person focused culture based on respect and trust.


Integrating HPL's experience, processes, and tools we have a 4 phase approach to supporting organizations that want to transform their organizational culture to one that embraces high performance through REEs and sustain it over the long term.Diagram showing phases: 1) Organizational Assessment 2) Current/future State Gap Analysis 3) Strategic Planning 4) Execution of Stratigic Initiatives



Contact us today to learn more about our services!








We develop leaders' skills and habits to achieve

High Performance Cultures.


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Transformational leaders are a critical component to engaging and motivating our humans. Through deliberate practice, we develop the skills of leaders and create alignment between them, the management system and your organization’s culture.