We develop leaders' skills and habits to achieve

High Performance Cultures.


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Transformational leaders are a critical component to engaging and motivating our teams. Through deliberate practice, we work on the leadership skill development of leaders and create alignment between these skills, the management system, and your organization’s culture.






High Performance Leadership:
Creating Alignment


Experience has taught us that over 95% of organizations fail to sustain a high performance culture over the long term (7 to 10 years). Success depends on strong and committed leaders, an effective management system structure, and a whole person focused culture based on respect and trust.


Creating an alignment of high performance leadership depends on all three of the elements working together to achieve this. We teach leaders the skills to develop themselves, to build effective management systems and to build the organization's culture.


HPL continually develops leaders, management system and culture models through its collaboration with HPS Consortiums. The HPSC develops best practice models through the implementation of the thinking by its consortium member partners. Over 25 years of experimentation, benchmarking and best practice development have resulted in organizations and models that are some of the best in the world.

The High Performance Model


High Performance Leadership Model - Venn Diagram including leadership elements of Management Systems, Leaders, and Culture.






Deliberate Practice of High Performance Leader Development Cycle


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High Performance Leader Development cycle explaining how to reach your leadership goals and how to become an effective leader.



Becoming an effective leader requires a high level of focused practice. Leaders are pushed out of their comfort zone by having well defined leadership skill development goals.


Leaders are provided constant and specific feedback on where they need to improve their practice from both HPL's expert leaders and their peers in the best practice community. Practice and techniques are based on proven leadership techniques developed by HPL and HPSC; we know where leaders need to go and how they can get there.


As the leader improves, so does their confidence and internal motivation. Consistent feedback and implementing systems to support actions result in the formation of leadership habits. Once habits are formed, results are achieved and sustained.


HPL continues to work with the leader to raise the bar on performance, develop more challenging goals and repeat the cycle. As the leader grows, the leadership development cycle becomes engrained in the leader and then becomes self-sufficient.




Leadership Services


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  1. Leadership Skill Development – All of our leadership development programs apply the principles of deliberate practice and our proven successful leadership development approach.

    Leadership skill development is offered through public peer community programs or through customized in house delivery.
  2. One on One Coaching and Mentoring Engage with an expert leader for specific leadership development requirements including support to overcome challenging situations.

  3. Best Practice Peer Communities – Leaders accelerate their improvement journey by sharing best practices and benchmarking with other developing leaders using the Leverage Learning Consortium model.



Leadership Skill Focus

  • Change Management
  • Organizational Culture
  • Visioning & Future State
  • High Performing Cultures
  • Effective Leadership Skills
  • Organizational Systems Thinking/Leadership Theories
  • Team Engagement & Empowerment
  • Lean or Continuous Improvement Toolset
  • Sustaining Leadership Development Mechanisms



Leadership Principles

  • Improve by Deliberate Practice
  • Status Quo/Satisfactory is not okay
  • "Do. Or do not. There is no try."



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