Transformational Leaders develop an environment where their team members create customer value,  find meaning in their work and grow in the process.


The first principle of Transformational Leadership is ‘you set the example’.   Your team will copy the behaviour you set. If you are positive, your team will try to be positive.  If you focus on the future, your team will try to focus on the future.  If you demonstrate a Continuous Improvement mindset, your team will try to demonstrate a CI mindset.  


In order to master the principle, it is critical to practice and to develop specific habits so that you can consistently demonstrate the behaviour.


I am inviting you to take the leadership habit challenge.   To help you attain your goal, we have created a leadership habit calendar.   You will find the calendar in our tools page.


To participate in the challenge, choose an example you want to set for your team that will demonstrate the principle.   Define the specific habit that you need to create for yourself. Use the calendar to help you develop the habit


Let me know what you pick.  Once you have completed 30 days, send me the results.


Good luck!



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